"Consistency Triumphs Flashes of Brilliance" by The Malaysian Reserve

Saltycustoms is now serving customers in more than 50 countries and has grown into an 8-figure company since its establishment

THE T-shirt and merchandise printing industry has evolved significantly over the years, transforming from simply displaying logos or slogans to a booming sector of creative self-expression. Saltycustoms came into the scene 14 years ago to change the T-shirt and merchandise printing industry through technological adoption and automation, adding greater value to this age-old industry while transforming the landscape. 

CEO King Quah shared that armed with a passion, consistency and commitment toward quality, Saltycustoms saw exponential growth in the retail printing space as it leveraged technology offering customers an easy way of ordering customised merchandise through its platform. FULL ARTICLE https://themalaysianreserve.com/2023/07/04/saltycustoms-consistency-better-than-flashes-of-brilliance/

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