How to: Garment Care

Proper garment care is essential to making your clothes last longer, including t-shirts.

Proper garment care is essential to making your clothes last longer, including t-shirts. Here are some tips to help you take care of your t-shirts and make them last as long as possible:

  1. Read the label: Before you wash your t-shirt, make sure to read the care label. Some t-shirts may be dry clean only, while others may be machine washable. Following the care instructions on the label will ensure that your t-shirt lasts as long as possible.

  2. Use the right detergent: Use a gentle detergent when washing your t-shirts. Avoid using detergents that contain bleach or chlorine, as these can damage the fabric and cause discoloration.

  3. Wash in cold water: Washing your t-shirts in cold water will help to prevent shrinking and fading. Hot water can also cause the colors in your t-shirt to bleed, so it's best to avoid it.

  4. Don't over-stuff your washing machine: Over-stuffing your washing machine can cause your t-shirts to become stretched out and misshapen. Make sure to give your t-shirts enough room to move around in the machine.

  5. Hang dry: Hang drying your t-shirts is the best way to prevent shrinking and stretching. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting and remove your t-shirts while they're still slightly damp.

  6. Fold and store: Fold your t-shirts neatly and store them in a cool, dry place. Avoid hanging them in the closet, as this can cause the shoulders to stretch out.

By following these tips, you can help your t-shirts last longer and maintain their shape and color. With proper care, your t-shirts can be a staple in your wardrobe for years to come.